Why Do I Need a Personal Trainer?

Why Do I Need a Personal Trainer?

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1. To avoid injury and strengthen weaknesses

Why do I need a personal trainer? Do I need a well, carelessly, and even dangerously.  If you have not learned the many traps and fallacies, you can encounter while training, the risk of falling into one of these traps is high. A professional trainer will be the best protection from overloads or injuries. Especially if you have previous injuries or weaknesses. When a particular body part needs to be protected, personal trainers know alternative exercises to achieve the desired training goals. Having a personal trainer as a reliable spotter is also necessary to avoid injuries when lifting heavyweights. A certified personal trainer is vital to individualize a training program that may need further progression after rehabilitation sessions.  

2. A certified personal trainer will not only check your vital signs.

A certified personal trainer will not only check your vital signs but do a complete health screening to assess your optimal level of training before the beginning of your program. This includes blood pressure, heart rate, vital lung capacity, and aerobic fitness level. They will subsequently keep monitoring your progress and your physical fitness. Most of all, they will keep a keen eye on any stresses that can do more harm than good in the pursuit of your schedule. Personal trainers are your best protection from any accidents. Should anything happen to you despite all care and precaution, your trainer is also your first respondent who is always by your side to help you immediately.

3. To teach you new training skills and techniques

There are fundamental movement skills that are important for every person starting a new fitness program. A personal trainer can take beginners and advanced clients to continuously higher levels of training and ability. Indispensable for people wishing to go on to group exercise programs or progress to training on their own because, once on your own, it is too late to learn the subtle details and techniques of safe and effective exercising. New skills and continuous revisions of exercises are necessary to monitor weaknesses that need to strengthing. Personal trainers keep your training interesting.

4. Personal trainers are educators

The industry is in constant change, and there are a lot of fads and fashions. Your trainer will be your guide through the jungle of information. He or she is always up to date to provide sound, proven information in all areas.  Nutrition, self-management, weight loss, various health issues, and all other vital areas monitored for the complete success of your fitness program. Only certified trainers are a reliable source for all these needs.

5. To help you achieve your goals more rapidly, safely, and effectively.

Whether your goal is focused on weight loss, preparing for a marathon, or gaining strength for a particular trip, your trainer will keep you honest. A personal trainer will hold you accountable for your goals! Once you have scheduled a session, its real, and you have someone and something to look forward too. Personal trainers help you create a structure to exercise and achieve your outcome effectively. A certified personal trainer can give you valuable feedback.  They can provide valuable input to creating SMART goals:  Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely.




6. A personal trainer makes working out fun.

Whether you like to train at your own home or gym, you decide which is the most fun. Not only are personal trainers there to help you achieve your goals they are there every step of the way.  They have your back. They are your social support, a friend that makes it fun to exercise. They cheer you up when you need cheering, they listen to your concerns and provide that conversation that helps you get your bearings in life. Their attention is on you.

7. A personal trainer will push you when you can’t push yourself.

Pushing your body to a higher level invariably pushes your mood to a higher level. Your trainer knows your limits and plans your training accordingly. A personal trainer helps you to discover your limits and helps you to be proud of yourself.  When training on your own you are likely to quit when you think you have had enough.  A personal trainer will push you that little bit more to show you how much you have in you when you are driven. The personal trainer will also hold you back when they see that you have reached your healthy limit. That is how your personal trainer will help you overcome any plateau.

8. The personal trainer helps you gain a deeper awareness of your body and your total self

Movement and feedback from your trainer help you to connect deeper with your body.  Waking up your body to exercise, if you have been sedentary, provides a whole new awareness. Being questioned by your trainer about how you feel during and after your training session is the way to more self-awareness. The subtle adjustments needed for good technique are helpful.  Hands-on stretching by your personal trainer is important for recovery. Self-awareness empowers you to deal with all aspects of your life.

9. A personal trainer helps you to develop confidence.

If you are intimidated to enter the gym, a personal trainer will take you by the hand and introduce you to the gym or studio and its community. He or she will make you feel comfortable and confident. Training with your personal trainer builds self-confidence and develops your self-efficacy.  It may be a long-term personal training experience, intermittent or a short-term experience.  A personal trainer will always raise your confidence to make lasting changes in your life. Your pride and self-confidence may well increase to the level where you share your experience with your friends and even guide them to follow your example.

10. A personal trainer refers you to the right specialists

They will know whom to refer you to.  They have already trained in their present area long enough to be acquainted with the best partners for your needs. Coach Lil is Lila Ristevska is the creator of the OZZYBALL ® OzzyBall Training System © Tel. 561 713 6403 Website: Coachlil.com
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We all need hugs

We all need hugs

We All Need Hugs –

Human beings are social animals. We evolved as warm, fuzzy creatures that have been hugging for some 60 million years of our primate evolution.

We stuck together. That was our strength. Hugging was part of our ritual that bonded our communities tightly and powerfully. We also needed to keep warm. Hugging has proven to have immediate hormonal effects that directly impact our mind and body.

Oxytocin influences controlling energy metabolism, appetite regulation, thermo regulation, and metabolic homeostasis. (Hug to manage weight).

The effects are more marked in the early formative years of children and are more vital for their healthy growth and development. Once we grow age, they expect us to fend for ourselves and no longer depend on too many hugs.

Could that be a significant flaw in our modern societies? I think so.

Hugs Create Smarter Kids.

Lila Ristevska is the creator of the OZZYBALL ® OzzyBall Training System © Tel.

561 713 6403

Website: https://Coachlil.com

Wake up your body, mind and world.

Wake up your body, mind and world.

Wake up your body, mind and world.

Wake up yiour body, mind and world. There are countless ways to get in shape. But it is hard to stay in shape when you don’t stay healthy. It is hard to stay healthy when you don’t stay happy. And it is hard to stay happy when you don’t stay in line and in harmony with your world.

Be Fit, Healthy, Happy and in Harmony with Your World. Why?

Be Fit, Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be in Harmony with your World Fitness can improve your health, your happiness and the harmony you experience in your world. Of course, these four subjects are all mutually supportive and they largely overlap to make up a complete person.  Most efforts in one area will fail as long as the minimum attention is not paid to all others. For this reason, all areas need some attention.  




So where do you start?

Here science is finally rewarding us with an amazing new insight: Apart from a cascade of beneficial, mood enhancing hormonal activity in the brain, moving your body is actually the best possible exercise for your brain. Even more surprising: This exercise leads to neurogenesis in the Hippocampus, improving learning and cognitive abilities. Just like your muscles, your brain actually grows new cells with vigorous exercise. Over a million students and twenty thousand teachers in the US and around the world are already spending more time exercising and less time in class, enhancing their academic achievements and national standardized test results. There is no age at which you cannot grow new nerve cells and enhance your mental and bodily abilities.

Life starts with exercising the body

These revolutionary insights are now proven in large-scale, worldwide studies and described by revolutionary thinkers like Harvard professor John J. Ratey, M.D., Eric Hagerman, Edward Hallowell, Richard Manning and many others, in books such as the national bestseller “Go Wild”. So the answer is now clear: Your new life starts with exercising your body. The best exercise for your brain is vigorous physical exercise. Your entire life will follow.

Give purpose to your life

With Lila’s training you will soon feel much closer to the purpose of your life: To live it more fully and to bloom and blossom and flourish*. Lila was undefeated Australian national wrestling champion for 15 years in a row. Wake up your body, mind, and world. a feat impossible to achieve if you’re not highly trained, healthy, superbly motivated and happy and in harmony with your world and the purpose of your life. It also shows how consistent and determined she was, maintaining all her attributes and abilities at that highest level for a decade and a half.

Live your life to the fullest

If you want your training to warrant consistent results and to change your life sustainably, Lila will take you by the hand and be your guide as long as it takes for you to be fully self-sufficient and continue blooming, blossoming, flourishing and living your life to the fullest. Wake up your body, mind, and world.


Lila Ristevska is the creator of the OZZYBALL ®  

OzzyBall Training System ©

Tel. 561 713 6403 OzzyBallUSA@gmail.com

Website: OzzyBall.com

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Hi I’m Lila Ristevska (Lil)

About The Creator of The OzzyBall System
A retired Olympic level Freestyle Wrestler from Australia.

The OzzyBall system is the single most effective fitness plan you’ll ever experience.  The OzzyBall system prepared me to compete internationally and is still a platform for my personal training.  The OzzyBall provides superior strength, flexibility, endurance and allows you to conquer your toughest opponent, yourself.

In the past twenty years, I’ve used nearly every piece of fitness equipment and nothing compares to the versatility and the results generated by the OzzyBall system.

The health benefits are tremendous, the physical results are incredible and most importantly, the system adapts to improve anyone from professional athletes to men and women who just want to lose fat and build muscle and strength without investing in a lot of time and expense.

The only thing required is the desire to be healthier, stronger and more flexible.






Lila Ristevska’s Education/Certifications:

  • Bachelor of Applied Science -Human Movement, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Associate Diploma Applied Science- Fitness Leadership, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia

Speciality Training:

  • Personal Trainer

  • Yoga Teaching Certified

  • Gyrokinesis

  • National Strength & Conditioning Coach, NLP – Touch for Health

  • Core Strength

  • Olympic lifting

  • Boxing

  • Swiss and Medicine Ball Training

  • Sports Specific Training

  • Weight Loss

  • Pregnancy

  • and people with special needs


20 Years experience as a Fitness/Personal Trainer
Represented Australia for 15 years in Women’s Olympic Wrestling (World Championships).
Trained at the U.S. Olympic Training Center – Colorado OTC.

Ready to Start? (561) 713-6403

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